Get to know OnlyOneCode

Services and history

As avid discount code users, we love to surf online to find the best deals possible. Despite our efforts, often times we run into codes that takes forever to get to and/or the hundreds of codes simply don't work. This is when the idea of OnlyOneCode came about.

A platform where you do not need to see thousands of codes for it to work! We built a model, where the submitters will be committed to deliver working codes because they are our paying customers. Thus, we do not have to rely on the users to keep the website going.

Submitters can be assured that their code will be the only code for a brand securing their affiliate earnings, and users can get their discounts hassle free! A Win-Win!

OnlyOneCode Ownership

OnlyOneCode is owned by Sakura Agent, LLC, a limited liability company located in Iowa, US.

View for Business Registration: Sakura Agent, LLC


US Address: 315 E 5th St. STE 202, Waterloo, IA, 50703